10 Surprising Places Germs Are Hiding In Your Office

10 Surprising Places Germs Are Hiding In Your Office
While most offices strive to keep their workplace clean, there are surprising places germs are hiding in your office. Even if you have a commercial cleaning routine, office workers’ hands come in contact with 10 million bacteria a day. Consequently, common areas in the workplace are the most likely areas that employees pass on germs.

If you’re cleaning the office yourself, it’s easy to miss cleaning surfaces that hide flu and cold viruses. With the added concern of COVID-19, it’s particularly important not to overlook these high traffic areas.

Places Germs Are Hiding In Your Office

Generally speaking, over the past year everyone has learned more about cleaning than they ever thought they needed to know. But even with our increased knowledge, it’s still easy to overlook areas.

What are you missing?

Cold and flu season is fast upon us in addition to COVID-19 and its variant being a major concern. Given these points, let discuss surprising places germs are hiding in your office so they can be addressed immediately.

1. Door Handles and Keypads

When we think about door handle germs, many of us immediately think about bathroom door handles. But all door handles, including those with keypads or fingerprint scanners get lots of traffic. In fact, they get as much traffic and contact as bathroom door handles.

Furthermore, some handles receive more contact from delivery people and visitors. Don’t forget to clean handles on storage cupboards, conference rooms, and closets.

2. Water Cooler

Most employees use the water cooler at least once per day, handling the cup dispenser and buttons. And these dispensers are not always located in the kitchen. Instead, they are usually placed in corners or hallways for easy access. Thus, they can be one of those surprising places germs are hiding in your office and cleaning overlooked.

3. Coffee Maker

After you’ve disinfected the water cooler, swing by the kitchen as most water coolers aren’t located there. With such a huge portion of the world’s population enjoying java, coffee maker handles sees a lot of contact. Wipe down this important kitchen appliance multiple times throughout the day to help reduce the transfer of germs.

4. Conference Rooms

Including visitors, these areas see a lot of people flow in and out throughout the day. Carpets and windows are using the main cleaning focus for conference rooms. But people come in contact with multiple that can spread germs.

Phones, tables, chairs, and even conferencing equipment are hot spots for germs. To ensure the healthier environment possible, these items should be wiped down after each meeting. Especially since COVID-19 is not contained and new variants keep cropping up.

5. Photocopiers and Printers

These types of equipment have multiple drawers and buttons that get touched by numerous employees throughout the day. Wipe these parts down daily in addition to buttons, display boards and handles.

6. Shared Furniture

Places like waiting rooms and break rooms have shared furniture. Not only does the upholstery harbor odors, but it also holds germs. Thus, it deserves some special attention several times a year. It needs to be vacuumed, conditioned, rinsed, and dried, or possibly steam cleaned. And hard surfaces should be wiped down with disinfectant daily.

7. Blinds and Windowsills

Speak to your commercial cleaning service to make sure they clean the blinds, sills, and other surrounding areas.

8. Employee Workstations and Desks

In general, a typical desk has 10 million microbes. Chairs, computers, desks, mice, and keyboards are germ magnets. Review your expectations with your professional cleaners regarding these areas and items. You should also ask employees to do their part with daily disinfecting.

Additionally, employees should be provided an area to eat lunch other than their desks. This will help keep food debris at a minimum and reduce pest infestation.

9. Office Kitchen Refrigerators

Given that the break room is a place to congregate and eat, it attracts a lot of hands. The office refrigerator buttons and handles should be cleaned daily.

10. Hallways and Stairways

These areas are closed off from the office which leads to surprising places germs are hiding in your office. Delivery people, visitors and many other people pass through these areas using the door handles and handrails. Debris and dust can also accumulate here. So keep these areas dusted, swept, and disinfect handles and handrails on a daily basis.

We know this sounds like a lot to do. But a professional cleaning service can help you get the job done and help you maintain a healthy office. Speak with our commercial cleaning company to set up an effective cleaning regiment. Customized Custodial Services is dedicated to delivering safe, healthy, and immaculately clean workplaces. We offer 24/7 live customer support, invest in advanced technologies, and use green cleaning products to ensure your safety.

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