How Quickly Germs Spread In Your Office

How Quickly Germs Spread In Your Office
COVID-19 is still among us and many offices are concerned about how quickly germs spread in your office. Given that many people are returning to the workplace, what steps can be take to minimize the spread?

Seeing that there’s an increase of in-person customers to stores, businesses are right to be concerned. However, employers are taking steps to provide healthier, safer business environments.

In places of businesses, how quickly germs spread in your office can be as simple as unclean surfaces. So, it’s important to wash your hands often to stop the spread of germs. Germs like E. coli bacteria can cover the office bathroom.

How Germs Spread In Your Office

Some viruses and bacteria can remain infectious on surfaces for months. And germs are ultimately spread by ourselves and our coworkers. In fact, viruses are spread through the air by coughing or sneezing. We may also risk contamination when we share equipment such as a keyboard, printer or phone.

Hot spots known to retain germs in the office include office equipment, carpeting, bathrooms, door knobs and handles, and fixtures.

By understanding how quickly germs spread in your office, you can better understand what can be done to reduce the spread.

Did you know?:

  • There can be up to 100% reduction in bacteria after cleaning a keyboard with antibacterial cleaning solution.
  • The average employee touches 300 surfaces every 30 minutes.
  • A university study found that one door contaminated with a virus spread to almost 50% of people who touched it. And the infection happened within just four hours.

Every business wants a clean workspace and healthy employees, particularly in these changing times. As an employer, you can help ward off germs by paying close attention to the following areas:

High-Touch Areas

A toilet seat has less bacteria than the average office desk. The average workplace desk has more than ten million bacteria. On average, This is 400 times more bacteria than the average toilet seat.

Items such as furniture, handsets, and computer keyboards can quickly become unsanitary with regular use. Furthermore, if a surface is not cleaned with quality cleansers, bacteria can multiply every.

Communal Bathroom

The bathroom is an obvious area where germs are present. Due to the constant usage, office bathrooms contain a plethora of bacteria and germs. As a result, this is how germs can spread in your office.

In the workplace, and pretty much every environment, hand washing goes a long way towards good hygiene. However, the most effective way to limit germs is with regular professional cleaning services. Professional cleaners use high-quality, high grade cleaning chemicals. Additionally, they are trained to properly wipe down all surfaces in bathrooms and your entire office.

Office Carpets

Unkept carpets are breeding grounds for germs and bacteria. When clean, carpets can give a facility a welcoming feel as well as a beautiful finish. But the high traffic seen by carpets brings in allergens and germs.

Many common allergens such as residues, chemicals, pollen, fungi, and tars can also be found in office carpets.

An easy solution to keep these germs at bay is regular maintenance and carpet care. Vacuuming daily is highly recommended. Also having your office carpets professionally cleaned twice a year makes a huge impact on its appearance.